KLog is being supported by two great companies that are supporting free software.
I want to thank them for their support as it helps KLog to be better.
They are:
- BitRock who provided me a free full license of their great software, InstallBuilder that I use to create the Windows packages. It allows me to ensure that the package is working, it is easy to use, with multilingual support for the users during the installation. For the developer everything is quickly and easily done and I use no more time than the strictly needed.
- QRZ.com granted me a developer account to be able to develop and support the QRZ.com functionalities. All amateur radio operators know about QRZ.com. Nothing needs to be added to explain their useful service.
Both are very useful tools and I really appreciate the great support I am receiving from BitRock and QRZ.com, being very responsive and agile supporting KLog for free.
Thank you!